Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dec 15th Quiz

Complete the quiz by 7:30 pm. For the quiz, put your name and e-mail address in the appropriate box as ususal.

Also, complete the course evaluation. For the course evaluation, do not put your name in the name box, put MR Protocols.

  • Click here for the Quiz
  • Click here for the course evaluation 

Monday, December 13, 2010

MRI Artifacts Assignment

The following questions are due by Wednesday, Dec 15th at 8:00 pm.

Search the internet and find two pictures of each of the following Artifacts: Aliasing, Chemical Shift, Zipper.

Copy and paste the images into a word document and describe how each artifact is produced and how it can be eliminated.

Also, discuss 3 ways that the appearance of motion can be reduced or eliminated from an MR image.

Monday, December 6, 2010

MRI Pulse Sequences

Click here for full screen version.

MR Assignment for December 8th, 2010

Read chapter 5 of your textbook and answer the following questions (Print the answers and bring it to class on Wednesday).

Draw and label pulse sequence diagrams for each of the following (1-4):

1. Conventional Spin Echo

2. Dual Echo Spin Echo

3. Fast Spin Echo

4. Inversion Recovery

5. What parameters (TR and TE) would you use to produce T1 (t-one) weighting in a spin echo pulse sequence?

6. What do the initials ETL, and ETE stand for, what pulse sequence do they apply to, and give another term used instead of ETL?

7. What parameters (TR, TE and TI) would you use to achieve proton density weighting in Inversion recovery?

8. Give the main reasons for using a Short tau inversion recovery(STIR) sequence?

9. List two advantages and one disadvantage of a gradient rephased echo (GRE) sequence compared to a conventional spin echo sequence?

10. How does T2* differ from T2 weighting?